examples.txt 795 B

  1. |;n*84 prints "32"
  2. \;nf prints "15"
  3. \|
  4. >11+nv prints "2 5 28 2.25 3"
  5. /o*84<
  6. \72-n\
  7. /o*84<
  8. \47*n\
  9. /o*84<
  10. \94,n\
  11. /o*84<
  12. \f4%n;
  13. abcdef0983[D3[DII; prints nothing, but should have three stacks [[10, 11, 12], [13, 14, 15], [0, 9, 8]]
  14. abcdef0983[D3[DIID]I]; prints nothing, and ends with the stack in the same order. Splits it and collapse it several times, though.
  15. c22g\ prints "5011012", or what should be read as "50", "110", and "12"
  16. /g32/
  17. \nnn;
  18. 2
  19. f:&&1+nn; prints "1615"
  20. abcdefr&r3[D&n; prints "10"
  21. 10772**01p; prints nothing, but after running cb.box should have two rows, and [1][0] == 'b'
  22. s":"m":"hnonon; prints whatever your current time is
  23. aa*Sfn; prints "15" after 10 seconds
  24. r\ prints the string in the initial stack
  25. o;!?l<