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Add micro-format properties

Add h-entry micro-format properties to list of blog posts and projects.
Apis Necros 2 gadi atpakaļ
1 mainītis faili ar 16 papildinājumiem un 13 dzēšanām
  1. 16 13

+ 16 - 13

@@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
 {{ define "main" }}
+	<div class="h-feed">
 	{{- if gt (len .Content) 0 }}
-	<div class="panel space-y-2">
-		{{ .Content }}
-	</div>
+		<div class="panel space-y-2 p-summary">
+			{{ .Content }}
+		</div>
 	{{- end }}
 	{{ range .Pages.ByPublishDate.Reverse }}
-	{{- $images := default (slice "/imgs/no-image-new.webp" "/imgs/no-image-new.png") .Params.Images }}
-	{{- $altText := default "No alt text" .Params.ImageAltText }}
-	<div class="panel my-2">
-		<h2 id="{{ .Section }}-{{ .Title | anchorize }}"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ .Title }}</a></h2>
-		<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap md:flex-nowrap mt-2">
-			<span class="image-wrapper w-full h-32 md:w-32 md:h-32">
-				<img srcset="{{ delimit $images ", " }}" src="{{ index (last 1 $images) 0 }}" alt="{{ $altText }}" />
-			</span>
-			<p class="m-2 flex-1">{{ .Params.Intro | markdownify }}</p>
+		{{- $images := default (slice "/imgs/no-image-new.webp" "/imgs/no-image-new.png") .Params.Images }}
+		{{- $altText := default "No alt text" .Params.ImageAltText }}
+		<div class="panel my-2 h-entry">
+			<h2 id="{{ .Section }}-{{ .Title | anchorize }}"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}" class="u-url p-name">{{ .Title }}</a></h2>
+			<div class="flex flex-row flex-wrap md:flex-nowrap mt-2">
+				<span class="image-wrapper w-full h-32 md:w-32 md:h-32">
+					<img srcset="{{ delimit $images ", " }}" src="{{ index (last 1 $images) 0 }}" alt="{{ $altText }}" class="u-photo" />
+				</span>
+				<p class="m-2 flex-1 p-summary">{{ .Params.Intro | markdownify }}</p>
+				<span class="hidden p-author">{{ .Site.Params.Author }}</span>
+			</div>
-	</div>
 	{{ end }}
+	</div>
 {{ end }}