import { Vector2 } from "../3/3_common.ts"; export class StarMap { private originalMap: string[]; private mapDimensions: {width: number, height: number}; private expansionRate: number; public galaxyList: Array = []; public emptyColumns: number[] = []; public emptyRows: number[] = []; constructor(rawMap: string[], expansionRate = 1) { this.originalMap = rawMap; this.expansionRate = expansionRate this.mapDimensions = { width: this.originalMap[0].length, height: this.originalMap.length }; this.parse(); // Sort the galaxy list by Y values this.galaxyList.sort((a, b) => a.Y - b.Y) } private parse() { // Find the empty rows and columns for (let col = 0; col < this.mapDimensions.width; col++) { // Count of the number of empty cells in the column let emptyCellsInColumn = 0; for (let row = 0; row < this.mapDimensions.height; row++) { // If current cell is a galaxy, add it to the list and move to the next row if (this.isGalaxy(this.originalMap[row][col])) { this.galaxyList.push({ X: col, Y: row }); continue; } // Check if the current row is empty // Only needs done during the first column if (col == 0 && this.isEmpty(this.originalMap[row])) { this.emptyRows.push(row); } // Otherwise, add an empty char to the pivotted column emptyCellsInColumn++; } // Check if the column was empty if (emptyCellsInColumn == this.mapDimensions.height) { this.emptyColumns.push(col); } } } private isEmpty(sector: string) { return /^[.]+$/.test(sector); } private isGalaxy(symbol: string) { return symbol == "#"; } public getExpandedDistance(galaxyIdx1: number, galaxyIdx2: number, debug = false): number { // Get the two galaxies being compared const galaxy1 = this.galaxyList[galaxyIdx1]; const galaxy2 = this.galaxyList[galaxyIdx2]; // DEBUG if (debug) { console.log("DEBUG:"); console.log("Comparing ", galaxy1, "to ", galaxy2); } // Check for any empty rows or columns between the two let yOffset = 0; let xOffset = 0; this.emptyColumns.forEach((col) => { if (between(col, galaxy1.X, galaxy2.X)) { yOffset += this.expansionRate; if (debug) { console.log(`Adding 2 for the empty column at ${col}`); } } }); this.emptyRows.forEach((row) => { if (between(row, galaxy1.Y, galaxy2.Y)) { xOffset += this.expansionRate; if (debug) { console.log(`Adding 2 for the empty row at ${row}`); } } }); if (debug) { console.log(`DEBUG: xOffset - ${xOffset}`); console.log(`DEBUG: yOffset - ${yOffset}`); } // Find the immediate deltas between the two galaxies const delta: Vector2 = { X: galaxy1.X - galaxy2.X, Y: galaxy1.Y - galaxy2.Y }; if (debug) { console.log("DEBUG: delta values - ", delta); } return Math.abs(delta.X) + xOffset + Math.abs(delta.Y) + yOffset; } public solvePart1(debug = false):number { let totalPairs = 0; let totalShortestPaths = 0; for (let idx1 = 0; idx1 < this.galaxyList.length - 1; idx1++) { for (let idx2 = idx1 + 1; idx2 < this.galaxyList.length; idx2++) { totalPairs++; const manhatDist = this.getExpandedDistance(idx1, idx2, debug) if (debug) { console.log(`Manhattan Distance between node ${idx1 + 1} and ${idx2 + 1} is: `, manhatDist); } totalShortestPaths += manhatDist; } if (debug) { console.log("---------------------"); } } return totalShortestPaths; } } function between(toCheck: number, boundary1: number, boundary2: number): boolean { return (toCheck > boundary1 && toCheck < boundary2) || (toCheck > boundary2 && toCheck < boundary1); }