import { LoadInput } from "../common.ts"; import { BuildSchematicsMap, ParseSchematics, ValidateEngineParts } from "./3_common.ts"; const tests = [ "467..114..", "...*......", "..35..633.", "......#...", "617*......", ".....+.58.", "..592.....", "......755.", "...$.*....", ".664.598..", ]; /** * Test case from /u/i_have_no_biscuits * @see */ const tests_reddit = [ "12.......*..", "+.........34", ".......-12..", "..78........", "..*....60...", "78..........", ".......23...", "....90*12...", "............", "2.2......12.", ".*.........*", "1.1.......56", ]; const input = await LoadInput(3); // Build the find const schematics = BuildSchematicsMap(input); // Find all possible parts let engineParts = ParseSchematics(schematics); // Validate those parts engineParts = ValidateEngineParts(engineParts, schematics); // Get our output const sumOfPartNumbers = engineParts.reduce((accumulator, part) => accumulator += part.PartNumber, 0); console.log(`The sum of part numbers is: ${sumOfPartNumbers}`);