@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+import { LoadInput } from "../common.ts";
+import { type CamelCardsHand, CamelCardRanking } from "./7_common.ts";
+const tests = [
+ "32T3K 765",
+ "T55J5 684",
+ "KK677 28",
+ "KTJJT 220",
+ "QQQJA 483",
+const tests_reddit = [
+ "2345A 1",
+ "Q2KJJ 13",
+ "Q2Q2Q 19",
+ "T3T3J 17",
+ "T3Q33 11",
+ "2345J 3",
+ "J345A 2",
+ "32T3K 5",
+ "T55J5 29",
+ "KK677 7",
+ "KTJJT 34",
+ "QQQJA 31",
+ "JJJJJ 37",
+ "JAAAA 43",
+ "AAAAJ 59",
+ "AAAAA 61",
+ "2AAAA 23",
+ "2JJJJ 53",
+ "JJJJ2 41",
+const input = await LoadInput(7);
+// Parse the input
+const parsedHands = ParseInput(tests_reddit);
+// Sort the cards
+const sortedHands = parsedHands.sort(SortHands);
+// Find the input
+let totalWinnings = 0;
+sortedHands.forEach((hand, idx) => {
+ totalWinnings += hand.Bid * (idx + 1);
+// Wrong answers
+// 248305851 -- too high
+console.log(`The total winnings are $${totalWinnings}`);
+ * Parse the input
+ *
+ * @param {string[]} handList An array of strings represnting hands of Camel Cards and their bids
+ * @returns {CamelCardsHand[]} An array of parsed Camel Card hands
+ */
+function ParseInput(handList: string[]): CamelCardsHand[] {
+ const output: CamelCardsHand[] = [];
+ handList.forEach((hand) => {
+ const [handStr, bidStr] = hand.split(" ");
+ output.push({
+ Hand: handStr,
+ Bid: Number(bidStr),
+ Rank: FindCamelCardRank(handStr),
+ });
+ })
+ return output;
+ * Assign a base rank to a hand of Camel Cards
+ *
+ * Assigns a Camel Card Ranking to a hand of cards based on the
+ * strength of the hand on its own.
+ *
+ * @param {string} hand The hand a player drew
+ * @returns {CamelCardRanking} The ranking of the hand
+ */
+function FindCamelCardRank(hand: string): CamelCardRanking {
+ const cardFacesSorted = hand.split("").sort().join("");
+ const threeOfKind = new RegExp("(.)(?!\\1\\1)", "g");
+ const twoOfKind = new RegExp("(.)(?!\\1)", "g");
+ if (cardFacesSorted.replace(twoOfKind, "").length == 0) {
+ return CamelCardRanking.HIGH_CARD;
+ }
+ else if(cardFacesSorted.replace(twoOfKind, "").length == 1) {
+ return CamelCardRanking.ONE_PAIR;
+ }
+ else if(cardFacesSorted.replace(threeOfKind, "").length == 1) {
+ return CamelCardRanking.THREE_OF_A_KIND;
+ }
+ // Could technically be a three of a kind, but the threeOfKind case will catch
+ // that, meaning this could only be a two pair
+ else if(cardFacesSorted.replace(twoOfKind, "").length == 2) {
+ return CamelCardRanking.TWO_PAIR;
+ }
+ // Could technically be a three of a kind, but the threeOfKind case will catch
+ // that, meaning this could only be a full house
+ else if(cardFacesSorted.replace(twoOfKind, "").length == 3) {
+ return CamelCardRanking.FULL_HOUSE;
+ }
+ else if(cardFacesSorted.replace(twoOfKind, "").length == 3) {
+ return CamelCardRanking.FOUR_OF_A_KIND;
+ }
+ else if(cardFacesSorted.replace(twoOfKind, "").length == 4) {
+ return CamelCardRanking.FIVE_OF_A_KIND;
+ }
+ else {
+ throw new Error(`Unsure how we reached this condition!\nSorted hand was: ${cardFacesSorted}`);
+ }
+ * Compare two hands of Camel Cards for sorting
+ */
+function SortHands(a: CamelCardsHand, b: CamelCardsHand): number {
+ if (a.Rank < b.Rank) { return -1; }
+ if (a.Rank > b.Rank) { return 1; }
+ // Replace the letters with something easier to compare
+ const aHand = a.Hand.replaceAll("A", "Z").replaceAll("K", "Y").replaceAll("Q", "X").replaceAll("J", "W").replaceAll("T", "V");
+ const bHand = b.Hand.replaceAll("A", "Z").replaceAll("K", "Y").replaceAll("Q", "X").replaceAll("J", "W").replaceAll("T", "V");
+ for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ if (aHand[i] < bHand[i]) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (aHand[i] > bHand[i]) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;