@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+import { DeepClone, Inspect, LoadInput } from "../common.ts";
+import { BuildSchematicsMap, ParseSchematics, ValidateEngineParts, SchematicsGear as SchematicsGear, EnginePart } from "./3_common.ts";
+const tests = [
+ "467..114..",
+ "...*......",
+ "..35..633.",
+ "......#...",
+ "617*......",
+ ".....+.58.",
+ "..592.....",
+ "......755.",
+ "...$.*....",
+ ".664.598..",
+ * Test case from /u/i_have_no_biscuits
+ * @see https:
+ */
+const tests_reddit = [
+ "12.......*..",
+ "+.........34",
+ ".......-12..",
+ "..78........",
+ "..*....60...",
+ "78..........",
+ ".......23...",
+ "....90*12...",
+ "............",
+ "2.2......12.",
+ ".*.........*",
+ "1.1.......56",
+const input = await LoadInput(3);
+const schematics = BuildSchematicsMap(input);
+let engineParts = ParseSchematics(schematics);
+engineParts = ValidateEngineParts(engineParts, schematics);
+let gears = FindPotentialGears(schematics);
+gears = ValidateGears(gears, engineParts);
+const sumOfGearRatios = gears.reduce((accumulator, gear) => accumulator += gear.GearRatio, 0);
+console.log(`The sum of Gear Ratios is: ${sumOfGearRatios}`);
+ * Find all potential gears within a set of schematics
+ *
+ * A gear is any * symbol. A valid gear is any gear thats adjacent to
+ * exactly two part numbers.
+ *
+ * @param {string[][]} schematicsMap A 2D grid of characters making up a schematic
+ * @returns {SchematicsGear[]} A list of potential gears
+ */
+function FindPotentialGears(schematicsMap: string[][]): SchematicsGear[] {
+ const gearsInSchematics: SchematicsGear[] = [];
+ for (let y = 0; y < schematicsMap.length; y++) {
+ for (let x = 0; x < schematicsMap[y].length; x++) {
+ if (/[*]/.test(schematicsMap[y][x])) {
+ gearsInSchematics.push({
+ Symbol: "*",
+ Coordinates: {
+ X: x,
+ Y: y,
+ },
+ GearRatio: -1,
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return gearsInSchematics;
+ * Validate a list of gears
+ *
+ * A valid gear is any gear thats adjacent to exactly two part numbers.
+ *
+ * @param {SchematicsGear[]} potentialGears A list of potential gears to validate
+ * @param {EnginePart[]} engineParts A list of valid Engine Parts from the schematics
+ * @returns {SchematicsGear[]} A list of valid gears
+ */
+function ValidateGears(potentialGears: SchematicsGear[], engineParts: EnginePart[]): SchematicsGear[] {
+ const validGears: SchematicsGear[] = [];
+ for (const gear of potentialGears) {
+ let partsClone = DeepClone(engineParts) as EnginePart[];
+ partsClone = partsClone.filter((part) => {
+ return part.Coordinates[0].Y == gear.Coordinates.Y
+ || part.Coordinates[0].Y - 1 == gear.Coordinates.Y
+ || part.Coordinates[0].Y + 1 == gear.Coordinates.Y;
+ });
+ if (partsClone.length < 2) { continue; }
+ partsClone = partsClone.filter((part) => {
+ for(const coord of part.Coordinates) {
+ if(gear.Coordinates.X == coord.X
+ || gear.Coordinates.X + 1 == coord.X
+ || gear.Coordinates.X - 1 == coord.X) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ });
+ if (partsClone.length == 2 ) {
+ gear.GearRatio = partsClone.reduce((accumulator, part) => accumulator *= part.PartNumber, 1);
+ validGears.push(gear);
+ }
+ }
+ return validGears;