@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+import { LoadInput } from "../common.ts";
+ * Calculate the sum of all calibration values in a document
+ *
+ * @param {string[]} document All lines of a document containing calibration values
+ * @returns {number} The sum of all calibration values found in a document
+ */
+function CalculateCalibrationSum(document: string[]): number {
+ return document.reduce((register, currVal) => register + extractCalibrationValue(currVal), 0);
+ * Extract a calibration value from a line of text
+ *
+ * Extracts the first and last digit from a string of text,
+ * concatenates the two, and returns this as the calibration value.
+ *
+ * If only one digit is present, the one digit is concatenated to
+ * itself.
+ *
+ * @param {string} line The line of text to extract the calibration value out of
+ * @returns {number} The two-digit calibration value hidden in that string
+ */
+function extractCalibrationValue(line: string): number {
+ const extracter = new RegExp("(?=(one|t(?:wo|hree)|f(?:our|ive)|s(?:ix|even)|eight|nine|[0-9]))", "g");
+ const digitsInString = Array.from(line.matchAll(extracter), (match) => match[1]) || [];
+ if (digitsInString.length == 0) {
+ console.error("No digits found on line!");
+ console.error(line);
+ }
+ const firstDigit = parseNumberWordToDigit(digitsInString[0]);
+ const secondDigit = parseNumberWordToDigit(digitsInString[digitsInString.length - 1]);
+ return Number(firstDigit + secondDigit);
+ * Turn the word representation of a digit into that digit
+ *
+ * @param {string|undefined} numberString A string containing either the word of a number, or the digit
+ * @returns {string} A string of the digit that the input represents
+ */
+function parseNumberWordToDigit(numberString: string|undefined): string {
+ switch (numberString) {
+ case "0":
+ case "1":
+ case "2":
+ case "3":
+ case "4":
+ case "5":
+ case "6":
+ case "7":
+ case "8":
+ case "9":
+ return numberString;
+ case "one":
+ return "1";
+ case "two":
+ return "2";
+ case "three":
+ return "3";
+ case "four":
+ return "4";
+ case "five":
+ return "5";
+ case "six":
+ return "6";
+ case "seven":
+ return "7";
+ case "eight":
+ return "8";
+ case "nine":
+ return "9";
+ default:
+ return "0";
+ }
+const tests: string[] = [
+ "two1nine",
+ "eightwothree",
+ "abcone2threexyz",
+ "xtwone3four",
+ "4nineeightseven2",
+ "zoneight234",
+ "7pqrstsixteen",
+ "3pqrstsevenine",
+const input = await LoadInput(1);
+console.log("Test Cases");
+console.log("Expected: 320")
+console.log(`Actual: ${CalculateCalibrationSum(tests)}\n`);
+console.log(`Your *true* calibration sum: ${CalculateCalibrationSum(input)}`);