@@ -134,17 +134,34 @@ mapData.grid.forEach((color, coords) => {
if (!imageData[column]) { imageData[column] = []; }
imageData[column][row] = color;
-// Flatten it into one array, and replace undefined's with 0's
-imageData = imageData.flat().map((color) => (color === undefined ? 0 : color));
+// Flatten it into one array, and replace undefined's with null's
+imageData = imageData.map(fillEmptySlotsWithZero)
+ .map((row) => { while (row.length < 43) { row.push(0); } return row; })
+ .flat();
// Join it into a data stream
imageData = imageData.join("");
// Create and render the image
+// Height was found from this post: https://old.reddit.com/r/adventofcode/comments/e93d3y/2019_day_11_part_2_animated_python_output/
+// Width was brute forced
const height = 6;
+const width = 43;
+// Render Robby's path as a Space Image
+const identifier = new SpaceImageFormat(width, height, imageData);
-for (let width = 40; width < 50; width++) {
- console.log(`Dimensions: ${width}x${height}`);
- const identifier = new SpaceImageFormat(width, height, imageData);
- identifier.Render();
- console.log();
+ * Fill empty slots in an array with zeros
+ *
+ * @param {array} arr The array to fill
+ * @returns {array} The input array with no empty spots
+ */
+function fillEmptySlotsWithZero(arr) {
+ return Array.from(arr, (_, i) => {
+ if (!(i in arr)) { return 0; }
+ return arr[i];
+ });